Thoughts about mentoring Summer of Code students
By Florian Quèze on Tuesday, April 22 2014, 22:24 - Mozilla - Permalink
mentored Google Summer of Code students 3 years in a row, and I would
like to share with new GSoC mentors what I've learned, in the hope that
it can help them get more out of the summer. I'm going to assume that
most mentors share these 3 goals:
- get usable code at the end of the summer
- train long term contributors who will stay active after the end of the summer
- avoid spending disproportionate amounts of time mentoring.
can't overstate how important it is to give the student good working
habits from the very beginning. If you setup a good working relationship
from the beginning, you are on for an awesome summer. If you let a
student do things that frustrate you without sending immediate feedback
about it, you'll both suffer during the whole summer.
Here are some frequent problems that are likely to happen if you don't pay enough attention in the beginning:
- Because of the way school works, students are used to hiding their work until it's ready to be evaluated. Training them to show work-in-progress code so that you can provide early feedback and effectively help them takes time. You'll likely need to ask "show me the code, please" several times, encourage them, and comfort them that it's OK to show unfinished non-working code.
- Students are used to receiving feedback from one person, and are likely to send their work only to their mentor when requesting feedback or expecting evaluation. Encourage the student to discuss the project with all the relevant people and more generally to interact with the community; avoid private discussion of technical matters. Doing this has 2 interesting consequences: the time you'll spend mentoring the student will be dramatically reduced because the mentoring load will be spread across all your team (for me this often meant that when my student asked a question on IRC, he received a good and timely answer before I had even read the question!), and the student will feel like he's part of your team, which increases the likelihood of staying around after the summer.
- Unless given specific directions, students tend to work on a branch or on a repository somewhere, and think about merging their code or getting a review only at the end of the summer. It's common to see student applications where the schedule says that they will do all the coding work, and then get a review during the last week of the summer to land the code. Experienced Mozilla developers knows there's no way sending a several-months-of-work-worth patch to someone's review queue and expecting a timely review will work. But students usually dramatically underestimate both the time it takes to get a review AND the time it takes to address the feedback (probably because at school they hand their work and only expect a grade, or a pass/fail in return). As a mentor it's your job to ensure they get their code through review. Urge students to write small patches, and get them reviewed as soon as possible. Students (and other developers ;)) will be tempted to 'just add one more little feature before attaching the patch'. Resist! Filing a new bug is easy. If the schedule of a student involves writing code without submitting it for review and inclusion, this raises a red flag for me: is there really no way to break this down to smaller pieces that could land separately? Don't hesitate to rediscuss the schedule with the student if you aren't fully happy with it.
- Given that the students are being paid money to participate in GSoC, it makes sense that lots of students will consider summer of code as "work", and have money be the primary motivator; which means that once they get the final payment, they disappear. This feeling can't be avoided in all cases, but if we can get the student to instead feel that the money is an opportunity to not do any other work during that time to focus full-time on volunteering for a project they care about, the student is likely to stay around for much longer than the summer. This can be done by treating the student more like a volunteer than like someone paid to be on your team. Get the student to have code landing early, and often. Get the student addicted to restarting his nightly build and seeing his code is in use there. Encourage the student to not only fix things directly related to his GSoC project, but to also spend a few hours here and there fixing his own itches and looking into other bugs that make the product better for his own use cases.
is one suggestion to get students started: during the community
bounding period, assign them a 'small' project to warm up. The ideal
characteristics of such a project are:
- will get the student to go through all the processes of your team (using bugzilla, attaching patches, requesting review, handling review comments, …)
- will get the student to touch code areas that will be relevant during the summer.
- can be completed by the student before the ends of the community bounding period (think of it as a 2-weeks project, but size it like something you would do in a rainy week-end. Remember that most of the time spent by the student will not be actual coding, but learning to interact with your team, and this is the very reason why this project is done during the community bounding period).
- once this small project lands, it will be highly visible, and will cause the student to receive appreciation from other people in your team/community.
not always possible to find a project fitting perfectly here, but it's
usually possible to find something close enough to fit the purpose of
getting the student started. The Instantbird team will be using this
'small community bounding project' approach to starting the mentoring
relationship for the third time this year.
tend to think that getting the student started on the right track is
the most important thing a mentor needs to do, and if it's done
correctly the rest of the mentoring is easy and pleasurable.