Voila le message d'erreur sur lequel se termine ma nuit de configuration de ma passerelle vpn :

(queze_f@dd 2359)ssh florian@vpn.queze.net
ssh: vpn.queze.net: No address associated with hostname
(queze_f@dd 2361)ping vpn.queze.net
ping: Cannot resolve "vpn.queze.net" (Host name lookup failure)

Requêtes DNS avec dnsstuff (site très pratique) :

Searching for www.queze.net A record at a.root-servers.net []: Got referral to D.GTLD-SERVERS.net. (zone: net.) [took 10 ms]
Searching for www.queze.net A record at D.GTLD-SERVERS.net. []: Got referral to ns.queze.net. (zone: queze.net.) [took 46 ms]
Searching for www.queze.net A record at ns.queze.net. []: Timed out.  Trying again.
Searching for www.queze.net A record at ns.queze.net. []: Timed out.  Trying again.
Searching for www.queze.net A record at dns.queze.net. []: Timed out.  Trying again.
Searching for www.queze.net A record at dns.queze.net. []: Timed out.  Trying again.
Searching for www.queze.net A record at ns.queze.net. []: Timed out.  Trying again.
Searching for www.queze.net A record at dns.queze.net. []: Timed out.  Trying again.
Searching for www.ovh.com A record at b.root-servers.net []: Got referral to J.GTLD-SERVERS.NET. (zone: com.) [took 109 ms]
Searching for www.ovh.com A record at J.GTLD-SERVERS.NET. []: Got referral to ns.ovh.net. (zone: ovh.com.) [took 235 ms]
Searching for www.ovh.com A record at ns.ovh.net. []: Timed out.  Trying again.
Searching for www.ovh.com A record at dns.ovh.net. []: Timed out.  Trying again.
Searching for www.ovh.com A record at ns.ovh.net. []: Timed out.  Trying again.
Searching for www.ovh.com A record at dns.ovh.net. []: Timed out.  Trying again.
Searching for www.ovh.com A record at ns.ovh.net. []: Timed out.  Trying again.
Searching for www.ovh.com A record at ns.ovh.net. []: Timed out.  Trying again.
Note that these results are obtained in real-time, meaning that these are not cached results.
These results are what DNS resolvers all over the world will see right now (unless they have cached information).

Après les serveurs mails qui mettent des heures pour transférer un email, voici les serveurs DNS complètement down. Merci OVH !